

Psychiatry & Primary Care located in Colonial Heights, VA


ADHD services offered in Colonial Heights, VA

If you’re one of the 8.5 million Americans with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you can find the compassionate care you deserve at JC Health Group. Dual-certified family and psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Jessy Nwuba, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, specializes in ADHD assessments in children and adults. Dr. Nwuba also provides customized care plans to better manage impulsive behaviors, disorganization, and other ADHD symptoms. Call the Colonial Heights, Virginia, office today to schedule an ADHD consultation or book an appointment online. 


What is ADHD?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes challenges with paying attention and controlling impulsive behaviors. The condition often appears in childhood but can persist throughout adulthood and interfere with your success at school, work, and social situations.

The cause of ADHD isn’t well understood. Still, known risk factors for the disorder include brain injuries, exposure to environmental toxins, and low birth weight.

JC Health Group provides comprehensive care for adults and children with ADHD. Dr. Nwuba specializes in diagnostic evaluations to assess the severity of your symptoms and creates a treatment plan to improve your focus and behavior.

ADHD appointments are available in the office and through a confidential online telehealth platform.

When should I seek medical attention for ADHD?

Schedule an evaluation at JC Health Group if you or your child struggle at home, school, or work due to ADHD symptoms like the following:

  • Fidgeting
  • Forgetfulness
  • Excessive talking
  • Difficulties staying organized
  • Engaging in risky or impulsive behaviors
  • Inability to stay still

Dr. Nwuba completes an ADHD assessment and may order diagnostic tests to rule out underlying medical issues. She designs a treatment plan for you or your child that focuses on relieving your symptoms and improving your overall quality of life.

How is ADHD treated?

Your treatment plan for ADHD might include a combination of psychological therapy and medications. JC Health Group offers personalized treatment plans using:

Psychological therapy

Psychological therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), helps you recognize negative thoughts and behaviors. You can also access tools to improve your organizational and interpersonal skills to succeed academically and socially.


Medications like stimulants help rebalance your brain chemicals to reduce impulsive behaviors and increase focus.

There are mindfulness techniques you can use to reduce restlessness and calm anxieties caused by ADHD. Dr. Nwuba can also suggest lifestyle and diet changes to support you or your child’s overall wellness. 

Dr. Nwuba monitors you or your child’s treatment progress during routine follow-up visits and can adjust the dosage of prescription medications as needed. Additionally, she makes ADHD resources available to your child’s caregivers and school to ensure everyone understands what your child needs to thrive academically and socially.

Call JC Health Group today to schedule an ADHD assessment or book an appointment online.